Many plastic manufacturers spend a lot of money in managing their discarded plastics. Looming litigation against the entire plastic sector and looming regulatory changes threaten to add cost uncertainty to many manufacturers.

Plastic recycling rates are simply too low (about 4% in the U.S.). Consumers, advocacy groups, and governments are increasingly demanding change to how plastics are managed.

Many recycling technologies have been tried. Sadly, most are not viable. A significant proportion of discarded plastics are deemed non-recyclable and there is no market for them, so they are sent to landfill, incineration, or end up in our waterways.

The entire plastics sector needs a way to manage its reputation, and manufacturers desperately need a viable way to create cost certainty in manufacturing plastics.

Introducing the new way forward.

The Plastonix Membership Program

Be part of a growing movement toward a zero-plastic waste economy!

Become a member today!  Membership is free!

What is the Membership Program All About

Manufacturers and industrial organizations around the globe are increasingly looking for better ways to make money from plastic waste. Many of these organizations would benefit by meeting other entities with complementary plastic waste goals. Plastonix offers its Membership Program as a convenient way for these organizations to meet.

Benefits of the Plastonix Membership Program

Marketplace for Non-Recyclable Plastics

  • Establishes a viable and profitable marketplace for non-recyclable plastics.


Plastic Waste becomes a Source of Revenue

  • Transitions plastic waste from an ongoing expense to a source of revenue.


Diverts Plastic Waste away from Landfill / Incineration

  • Each year, about 92% of plastic waste goes to landfill and incineration in the USA.


Become Part of the Solution

  • Helps move the world one step closer to a circular plastics economy one member at a time.


Timely Sustainable Solutions

  • Resolves short and long-term global plastic waste issues with sustainable solutions.


Who Should Be a Member?

  • Companies who regularly discard plastic waste and want a viable alternative to landfill and/or incineration.
  • Companies within the plastic resin sector.
  • Companies with upstream and downstream corporate partners who would benefit.
  • Companies who want to manufacture durable goods using the raw material created by Plastonix technology.
  • Companies who wish to improve an industrial process using Plastonix technology.


Membership delivers better plastic waste management.

Join the Plastonix Partnership Program today!

Please read the Terms & Conditions prior to becoming a member.

I have read the Terms & Conditions and agree to abide by them.